The 12 Days of Christmas: The Gift


Continuing on with The 12 Days of Christmas


Each one of us has inside a memory of our highest potential

Each one of us has inside a memory of our highest potential


The Gift

A Numerology Forecast for 2014

by Jen Anu


“The invisible thing called a Good Name is made up of the breath of numbers that speak well of you” ~ George Savile


2013 was quite the roller coaster year for a great many people. The Universal Numerology for 2013 was 6, which alluded to the caring nature of that particular number. Some of you may have noticed quite a bit of change in the family, home and fortune (both positive and negative) in your lives this year. Not to mention an overwhelming gathering of compassion for less fortunate people both near and far, even as our own situations may have been meager. Through it all though, those who found their creative expression through their loving hearts captured the essence of the 6 Year influence. And hopefully, this will help you gain more personal power in the next year to come.

2014 The Year of Introspection


I find this year to mean something special to me, as not only is it a Universal 7 year, but it is also my Personal 7 year. I am excited to go within and meet the inner depths of myself and to explore the wonders of the Universe from within. Later on I will show you how to figure out your own Personal Year and how it will influence you. This is the Gift of Numbers!

This year promises to influence us at a collective level, globally and locally. Following on from the theme of 2013, which was about our service to others, 2014 will be an introspective time that will be asking us to join together in connecting with the Divine Spirit. In ancient times, the mystic number 7 was associated with a higher knowledge and cosmic consciousness, and is the divine number of the Creator. It is this higher consciousness and connection with the Divine that connects us all, regardless of what differences we perceive between us.

This year may be very introspective for you as you will find yourself spending more time alone with your thoughts, reflecting on the past, and mapping out your goals and dreams for the future. Your projects and relationships will also be in your focus as well. This is an ideal time to seek out knowledge and understanding of the deeper truths in life as your capacity for investigation and discernment will be strong during this time. This can be a very spiritually driven energy, and a time to share knowledge and wisdom with others through teaching, counseling, writing or conversation.

“Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it” ~ Brian Cramer

The Universal Year number applies to us all collectively and relays what we all will be experiencing in the upcoming year. Along with this influence, your Personal Year number will speak to you as an individual and what you will be experiencing in the new year. This additional influence will expose experiences and outcomes that you are under, helping you to know where to concentrate your efforts.

I would like to give you each your very own tool to calculate your Personal Year.  It is Christmas after all! Included is a short description of the numbers to allow you to get the feel of what is ahead of you, personally, in addition to the Universal Year’s influence. Please do have fun with it, and remember that the positive and negative aspects of the number are not to be taken as good or bad, but rather as an indication as to where you stand. If you see the positive actions in your life, then you are on the correct path and don’t need to ‘fix’ them. However, if you see the negative aspects in your life, it is an indicator of things you need to work on to raise your vibrations and manifest a more harmonious experience.

How to Calculate Your Own Personal Year

Add the day and month you were born plus the current Universal Year of 7.

Example: For all of those born on 15th of October, regardless of where you may be in the world.

1 + 0 + 1 + 5 + 7 = 14

  Now convert 14 back down to a Personal Number Five Year by adding 1 + 4.

Special Note: In numerology, 10 converts back down to 1. The exceptions are what is referred to as Master Numbers 11 and 22 which are left in that form.

Personal Year 1 ~ Individuality

Individualistic and independent, showing leadership and drive. The 1 is masculine, focused, an originator and self-starter; it is also progressive, strong-willed, courageous, self-reliant and rebellious (in a constructive way). However you can be stubborn, selfish, weak and undisciplined, or a pariah.

Personal Year 2 ~ Adaptability

Sensitive, tactful, diplomatic and cooperative. The 2s tend to be peacemakers and are loving, studious and patient. You may express many musical or feminine qualities and also tends to be sensual and intuitive. However you are often discontent and can be seen as spoiled or lazy. You can be careless, particularly with the truth, but when criticized for your faults are oversensitive.

Personal Year 3 ~ Expression

Imaginative, expressive communicators and artists. You are tolerant, joyful, optimistic, inspiring, talented, jovial, youthful, dynamic … the list goes on and on! But, for as inspirational as you are, there is a price: you may often be vain, extravagant and prone to complaining. Intolerance, hypocrisy, impatience and superficiality are par for the course.

Personal Year 4 ~ Responsibility

Disciplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, extracting, precise, methodical, conscientious, frugal, devoted, patriotic and trustworthy! You are the epitome of responsibility. However you may pay for your stability and pragmatism by tending toward the boring side. This may express itself with a lack of imagination, emotions, empathy. You may not bother to put much care into your appearance, and your social awkwardness can make you seem vulgar, crude or jealous.

Personal Year 5 ~ Experience

Energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving. You also tend to be versatile, flexible, adaptable, curious, social, sensual, quick-thinking, witty, courageous and worldly. On the flip side, you can be unstable, chaotic, self-indulgent, irresponsible or careless. You should beware the consequences of drug abuse and unhealthy sexual tendencies.

Personal Year 6 ~ Optimism

Responsible, loving, self-sacrificing, protective, sympathetic and compassionate. These loyal, maternal figures are domestic, fair and idealistic healers or teachers. However, you can overdo its inherent protectiveness and become anxious, worrisome, suspicious, paranoid, emotionally unstable, cynical or jealous. You tend toward the conventional side.

Personal Year 7 ~ Thought

7 isn’t just a lucky number. It’s also spiritual, intelligent, analytical, focused, introspective, studious, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, serious, persevering, refined, gracious and displays much inner wisdom. However, you can be aloof, distant, sarcastic, socially awkward, melancholic, cowardly and, when you’re at your worst, back-stabbers.

Personal Year 8 ~ Power

Authoritative, business-minded leaders. You value control and tend to be powerful, but are also balanced, materially detached, successful and realistic. You end up in management positions, are efficient, capable, street-smart and good judges of character. The dark side of the 8 can be cruel, insensitive, violent, bullish or greedy. At your worst, you can become intolerant religious zealots.

Personal Year 9 ~ Universality

Helpful, compassionate, aristocratic, sophisticated, charitable, generous, humanitarian, romantic, cooperative, creative, self-sufficient, proud and self-sacrificing. However, you can end up being egocentric, arrogant, self-pitying, sentimental, discontent, fickle, cold or mentally unstable.

Personal Year 11 ~ Illumination

The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. You are instinctual, charismatic, dynamic and capable when its sights are set on a concrete goal. The 11 is the number associated with faith and psychics. However, you can be anxious, shy, stressed, conflicted and scattered. When focus is not applied toward a goal, you can be extremely self-sabotaging. As a Master number, the positive characteristics will turn into obstacles when not understood or used properly.

Personal Year 22 ~ Material Mastery

The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers, able to turn lofty dreams into realities. You are confident, pragmatic, ambitious and disciplined. However, your impracticality and self-imposed pressure can get the better of you. When unaware of you own potential, you will miss out on or shy away from necessary opportunities. 

Please do enjoy this upcoming New Year with all that it has to offer each and every one of you. Life is a journey, and can be a wonderful one at that if you can master all of your Divinely given traits and talents that enable you to expand the Universe in its growth. Each of us will go through all of these numbers in our lifetimes and that gives us all the advantage to grow and enjoy this experience we call Life. Bless you all © Anu


About Jen’s Numerology

I have been studying and practicing numerology for about 3 years and have built a data bank of the 365 birthday traits. I include life path numbers to help clarify issues and opportunities.  I also create in-depth personality and familial readings, and help in date and name planning. While I have standardized my readings, I am working towards higher applications of the science of numerology and all it has to offer to those who seek answers about themselves. I so enjoy every reading with awe and wonder to the diversity that dwells within the whole of humanity.


I offer personal, in depth readings on my personal Facebook and Google pages: Jen Anu.

Be sure you are welcome there!

You can also contact me here, or at


Yesterdays post was by my new friend Shree at

Tomorrow’s post will be my new friend Julianne at

13 responses »

  1. Wow! what a wonderful Gift for Christmas for all of us here.. I did my numbers and got the number 4 Responsibility.. I Read the paragraph with much interest and for most of it I can relate too.. Although I hope I am never vulgar or crude, 🙂 But I have been known to be jealous in the past.. but these days my emotions are more well balanced I hope! 🙂

    Fascinating reading Jen Anu.. and lovely to be following your posts..

    have a beautiful Christmas, and a wonderful 2014.. 🙂
    Peace and Love
    Sue xox

    • Bless you Sue. I loved doing this little bit and glad you found interest. On Facebook I do a daily universal number for everyone, they love it. These are not indepth, but they are nice. I also offer full readings for those interested.

      Thank you for your comment, and have a wonderful holiday season and 2014.

      Anu to You

  2. OMG Jen! What a Fabulous gift! I don’t have the leisure to read it right now as I am about to go to work for the 6th straight day! Your blog looks great. Of course you use my favorite art piece of yours to taunt me. lol I really look forward to reading it as the personal one you did for me gave me a lot of insight.

    I will do your reading soon. I have been behind the 8 Ball, so to speak. It is a real pleasure having you join our circle of friends here that is ever widening.

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  3. And what a gift you give us thank you… IAM a three… great positive traits but I don’t like the negatives… will have to be careful… Lovely to meet you here and hope we can be great friends following each others journey… Please can you take a look at my january challenge and let me know if you would like to join in the fun… Merry Christmas Barbara x

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